CPS and ACS are envisioned to be selfless agencies who help prevent innocent children from being exposed to difficult, inappropriate and neglectful homes and situations. Many CPS and ACS workers perform this function valiantly and protect children. This is the good part.
The Bad Part
However, CPS and ACS agencies are continually involved in horrific situations having an incredibly negative impact on innocent families and children they are supposed to be protecting. CPS and ACS on many occasions have removed children or threatened to remove children from non violent, loving parents in cases of alleged family violence that didn’t exist.
The Abused Woman – The Ugly Part
In cases where a mother has contacted CPS or ACS because she has been the subject of domestic violence the CPS or ACS workers often remove the children from the home. They take the children from the home to prevent them from witnessing the domestic violence. The mother is abused by the perpetrator of the domestic violence and further abused by CPS or ACS. Instead of helping her, they remove her children from the home to protect them from being exposed to domestic violence. These mothers are stunned by the fact that CPS or ACS is going after them and taking no action against the perpetrator of the domestic violence. Unfortunately, CPS and ACS have no power to go after the perpetrators of domestic violence. The mother is then forced by CPS or ACS to take programs, drug and alcohol tests, and other actions under the threat that her children will be removed from the household. If the children have already been removed from the household the women are told the children won’t be given back given back to the mother unless she continually jumps through smaller and smaller hoops created by CPS or ACS.
Elliot S. Schlissel, Esq. is the managing partner of Schlissel DeCorpo LLP. He has been practicing law for 42 years. Elliot, his partner Nathan DeCorpo, and their associates represent individuals in child abuse and child neglect investigations throughout the Metropolitan New York area. The law firm has been involved in handling these cases for more than 45 years. Elliot, Nathan and their associates have extensive experience dealing with scores of cases and successfully defending their clients regarding allegations of child abuse and child neglect. Elliot and Nathan can be reached at 800-344-6431 or e-mail Elliot at Elliot@sdnylaw.com or Nathan at Ndecorpo@sdnylaw.com.